“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each others welfare, social justice can never be attained. ”
Some stakeholders and their areas of interest:
Dr. Nishant Upadhyay talks Social Justice while making Pakora!
Dave Diewert discusses Alliance Against Displacement
Ann Livingston, activist, discusses the importance of harm reduction
Jeff Shantz, faculty member, Dept. of Criminology, KPU talks about housing in Surrey, BC.
Mebrat Beyene, Executive Director of WISH-Drop in Centre
Lisa Freeman, faculty member, Dept. of Criminology, KPU, discusses her research on Social Justice and the City
Erika Thomson works with a program called the Warm Zone and shares her views concerning stigma and criminalization of drug users
Kevin, Vice-President of VANDU, discusses the work of the Vancouver-based harm reduction organization
Irina Ceric, faculty member, Dept. of Criminology, KPU, discusses legal advocacy and social justice
Alex works with ANKORS in Nelson and discusses his work with people who live with HIV or HepC
Rob Morgan, Eastside Illicit Drinkers Group for Education, tells us why we should care
Mike Larson, faculty member, Dept. of Criminology, KPU, discusses Social Justice
John Scolsh shares his thoughts concerning the Eastside Illicit Drinkers Association for Education
Jeff Shantz, faculty member, Dept. of Criminology, KPU discusses the militarization of policing
Anne Livingston, activist, discusses harm reduction and public health
Rob Morgan, co-founder of Eastside Illicit Drinkers Group for Education, shares what harm reduction means to him